41 Range Road, Windham, NH

Call/Text:  603.401.0124

Email:  Paul@NHGuitars.com

eBay: https://www.ebay.com/usr/nhguitars

Facebook:  facebook.com/NHGuitars

Instagram:  instagram.com/nhguitars

YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjY1CZB-CICiaY_kxwxVzcQ

Monday: 10am to 8pm

Tuesday: 10am to 8pm

Wednesday: 10am to 8pm

Thursday:  10am to 8pm

Friday:  10am to 7pm 

Saturday:  10am to 5pm

​Sunday:  11am to 5pm

Outside the shop - the Axes N' Roses Pavilion!

We are within Delahunty's Landscape & Garden Center at

41 Range Road, Windham, NH

"NH Guitars" is also on Google Maps

See below for detailed directions

Open Daily!

Directions & Contact

NH Guitars on Google Maps


NH Guitars is located at Delahunty Garden & Landscape Center at 41 Range Road (Route 111) in Windham, NH.  The entrance to our building is a red door in back.

You enter Delahunty's from Delahunty Road off of Route 111 and follow it ~ 500 feet towards the woods and around to the left

From here, NH Guitars is in the building behind the greenhouse, 1 row back from the front parking lot.  There is NH Guitars signage on the 2nd floor of the building with parking and entrance to the right of that building.  We share an entrance with Southpaw Boxing, you can follow their yellow signs to our entrance, a red door.

​Another option is “3 Chapel Road Windham, NH”.  That takes you to the Searles Chapel next door where you can park and walk through the fence into Delahunty's